Studio Policy

Studio Policy 2023 – 2024

Parents are encouraged to be supportive and active participants in practice at home. You are welcome and encouraged to attend and observe the lesson so you can help your child practice successfully. Your role in their learning process is crucial. 


Tuition is a per month charge, not per lesson. The number of lessons are averaged over 10 months so that you always have the same monthly payment, regardless of how many lessons are in a month. Holidays are factored in.

Accounts are handled through monthly invoices emailed to your nominated email address. They are created and sent on the 15th of each month, and are due on the 1st of the following month. A $15 late payment fee is assessed for any payment received after the 1st of the month. 

There is an annual $70 registration fee. This holds your spot in the studio and goes towards the cost of materials, method books  and supplemental music throughout the year.

Fees cover the cost of tuition, extra group lessons, recitals, studio teaching materials, preparation for each class, teacher continued education and maintenance of piano studio. Optional events such as examinations, festivals, piano tuning/maintenance and attendance to concerts will be paid for by the student/parent.

Payment Methods 

Invoices are payable via the Coinhop app or by check if paying by the semester.

Non- attendance

We charge for the reservation of your child’s time slot and do not guarantee make-up lessons or offer refunds when a student misses their scheduled time. A missed lesson is considered a forfeited lesson. Please notify us of an absence with at least 24 hours in advance so that we can organize a video or an online lesson. You can contact me by text or email.

In the rare event that the teacher needs to cancel a lesson, it will be rescheduled accordingly. In the case of inclement weather or events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, lessons will be done online via Zoom.

Lesson Termination Policy 

Lessons may be canceled by the parent/guardian by giving a 30-day written or emailed notice and payment in full of all funds outstanding. Fees will include lessons for the final month and students are welcome to receive regular lessons during those 30 days. 

Lessons may be terminated by the teacher in the event of on-going irregular payment or attendance, disruptive behavior, equipment damage or breach of these terms and conditions.